12 Natural Oils That Could Keep Your Hair Hydrated

There are so many products for hydrating and maintaining natural hair that you may end up getting bewildered because of the staggering number of choices before you. However, you can avoid products that contain harmful chemicals by choosing natural oils for your hair. The abundance of natural oils for your kinky curly hair doesn’t mean that they are all suitable for you, as you would have to choose based on the type and texture of your hair.

If you’re looking for natural oils that will moisturize and protect your hair, you should consider these 12 oils!

Neem Oil

Don’t be scared by the less than pretty smell of neem oil, as it is a great protection for all hair types. Neem oil has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties. Relieve symptoms of dandruff and psoriasis with Neem oil. Include neem oil in your hair care regimen if you want to promote hair growth.

Castor Oil

Castor oil does wonders for thinning hairline. Naturalistas all over the world have testified about using castor oil to boost their scanty edges. Castor oil is so effective that it is able to seal in moisture no matter how tight the coils. So, your tight coils stand to benefit from the magic of castor oil. It is quite heavy, though, so you should apply it lightly to prevent weighing down your natural hair.


Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil mimics the oils produced by the scalp, which means that it is quickly absorbed by the hair strands. It works well as a sealant because it locks in moisture and maintains your hair. Want to boost the strength of your shampoo or conditioner? Add jojoba oil to your hair products and watch its silky, light texture blend in effortlessly.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil had enjoyed a growing popularity these past few years, and it deserves all the praise it is getting. Coconut oil has antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties. There aren’t many oils that can penetrate the hair shaft, but coconut oil can do just that. Coconut oil is suitable for all hair types because it is not greasy and it is a good defense against hair damage and hair loss. You can use coconut oil as deep conditioner because it is light.


Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed oil is a must-have for all naturalistas! It is a great quick-hydrating moisturizer for all hair types. It is also light enough that you don’t have to worry about weighing down your hair. Continuous use of grapeseed oil will make your hair more manageable, and it will prevent dandruff and dry scalp while also strengthening your hair. Are you a fan of heat styling? Then you should make grapeseed oil your heat protectant of choice. Coat your hair when you blow-dry or flat-iron and you can be sure that your kinky curly hair will be protected even when the heat is turned up to 425 degrees!

Argan Oil

Argan oil has oleic acid and linoleic acid, which makes it a great moisturizer for all hair types. It also has omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin E to strengthen and nourish your natural hair. It penetrates the hair follicles to repair any damage and prevent breakage caused by dryness. Increase the luster, volume, and manageability of your hair by using this light hydrating oil.


Sweet Almond Oil

Sweet almond oil has essential fatty acids, magnesium, vitamin A, B and E, protein, and antioxidants. The oil works well as a sealant because it locks moisture in your hair. It increases elasticity of natural hair and also gives a great bounce. Sweet almond oil is light enough that you will not spend too much time trying to rinse it out of your hair.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil effectively unclogs your hair follicles and nourishes your roots. It is known to help with dandruff and dry, itchy scalp. You might want to moderate your use of tea tree oil, as it can be very powerful. This means that you can’t apply tea tree oil directly to your hair because its potency can have negative effects. You will need to mix it with either almond oil or coconut oil.

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil is not only rich in antioxidants, but it also has numerous anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Much like tea tree oil, you should reduce its potency by mixing it with carrier oils like almond oil and coconut oil before you use it on your hair. Rosemary oil is popular in the natural hair community because it promotes hair growth and blood circulation in the scalp.

Olive Oil

Olive oil might be heavy, but it will soften and hydrate your natural hair. This natural moisturizer can fight dandruff because it has anti-inflammatory properties. You can use extra virgin olive oil for hot oil treatments and pre-shampoo treatments. There are different types of coconut oil on the market, but you should always get the extra virgin because it is the best for kinky curly hair. If you have fine natural hair, you might be better off with a light application of olive oil because it is quite heavy.

Rose Oil

Rose oil is one of the best options for people with fine hair. It strengthens hair roots, reduces frizz, and adds shine to natural hair!

Avocado Oil 

There is a reason why everyone swears by avocado oil, and it because it will transform the fortunes of your hair! Its properties include amino acids, fatty acids, magnesium, proteins, folic acid, copper, and iron.  It also contains vitamins A, B, D, and E. Want to shield your natural hair from sun damage? Then you should absolutely try avocado oil! It also works great for hot oil treatments because it has light to medium density.

You can use these oils on their own or you could whip them together to create a magical potion for your natural hair. Either way, your hair stands to gain a lot from these natural oils.

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