10 Things to Consider Before Buying a Wig

Wigs are definitely in! For one, they are great for those days when you need to rush out of the house and go about your business without worrying too much about the hair underneath. Also, they make for great protective styling. You can show your hair some TLC by hiding it under a wig during the harsh winter months.

If you have more than one wig, you’ll find that you can switch your style effortlessly, thanks to the many beautiful wig designs available.

If you are uninitiated in wig-wearing, getting a wig for the first time can be daunting. However, if you know what to look out for before making a choice, you’ll avoid mistakes that can make you end up with regrets.

These are the questions you need to ask before you swipe your card.

How Much am I Willing to Spend?

You don’t have to spend a crazy amount of money to get great wigs. The key thing is finding the right place to get quality wigs at a great price. Everyone has that one friend that wears gorgeous wigs, so look in your circle and ask you wig-savvy friends for help. It is important to note that while the price of the hair shouldn’t be astronomical, you might have to spend a little more than you planned if you are after high-quality pieces.

Human Hair or Synthetic?

Choices, choices. The answer to this question should be informed by how long you want your hair to last. While there are some beautiful synthetics on the market, human hair wigs tend to last longer, so you should consider that before you make that purchase. You can also style natural hair wigs easily and maintain them with the same haircare products you use on your own natural hair.


Does it Look Good on Me?

If the goal is to ‘slay’ in your wig, then you should only buy ones that look good on you. It is possible to find some high-quality, extremely beautiful wigs only to be shocked because they don’t look good on you. You don’t want to look clownish or like a cosplayer. You can choose from center-part wigs, U-part wigs, lace front wigs, and 360 lace frontal wigs. The texture is also important, so decide if you want thick curls or bone-straight hair. Length matters, of course! But that’s for you to decide if you are comfortable with super long wigs or pixie cuts.

Will it be Comfortable?

Comfort is key. You should never buy a wig that will be so uncomfortable you’ll be tempted to rip it off your head in public. Too tight and you might get headaches, too loose and you’ll risk it being blown away by a semi-serious wind. If it’s possible to request a fitting, please take up that offer before you take the wig home. If you’re buying it on the internet, you could ask the seller to give you the sizing chart.

Is it Easy to Maintain?

Wigs are popular because they are reusable. Spending top dollars for quality hair pieces should afford you the option or re-rocking, right? Check the maintenance instruction manual of the wig to see if you can preserve it with simple co-washing and airdrying. Poor quality wigs may not survive the cleaning routine, so you should settle for nothing but the best. It’s even better to get a wig with detailed care instructions attached.

Is it Versatile?

A versatile wig is one you can transform with a little brushing here and a little pinning there. Basically, you should be able to achieve different looks with that one wig. Your styling options may be limited by the length, texture, and quality of the hair, so you should always take that into consideration. 

What are my Color Options?


When it comes to colors, wigs give you endless options! First, you can find a wig in just about any color. This means that you’ll find anything from neon to black. Second, dyes are reputed to be very damaging, but you can safely bleach and dye your wigs as needed. Your natural hair does not have to bear the brunt of the damage. Your fun-colored wig is a great way to showcase your personality!

Should I Care About the Wig Cap?

You should, and here’s why: wigs are either machine-sewn, tied to the cap by hand, or hand-sewn. There are capless wigs, and these are very lightweight, cool and well-ventilated. The machine-sewn caps are popular and inexpensive. People with sensitive scalps can find comfort in hand-tied wigs, which feature natural-looking micromesh.

Wigs are important investments, and they should be treated as such. This means that you might have to put in a little more thought before making that purchase. By buying a high-quality wig, you are sure of enjoying it for years to come. Go on ahead and use these tips as a guide to getting a wig that is unapologetically you.


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